Changing Lives One Child At A Time
For Kids Foundation Monterey Bay provides basic assistance in areas such as education, health and well-being. We pay service providers on behalf of children for items or services not covered under existing programs or by other resources.
For Kids Foundation Monterey Bay is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization recognized by the IRS. The tax ID is 26-2563119. We receive donations from private donors, corporations and businesses. We have also received bequests.

Collaboration with other agencies in the community is accomplished by networking, especially through courts, schools and other local agencies who serve children. Because we are not a tightly regulated government agency, we have the flexibility to assist children who have no other options and the ability to expedite their requests.
For Kids Foundation Monterey Bay serves children and young adults from birth through age 20 in Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito Counties in California.
We focus on one-time critical needs. Grants are usually under $1000 per child. We are generally unable to fund grant requests for ongoing financial payments.
You can apply online.
You may also request an application by US Mail, email, or telephone:
US Mail:
For Kids Foundation Monterey Bay
P. O. Box 891,
Capitola CA 95010

Who We Are
For Kids Foundation Monterey Bay provides one-time or short-term basic assistance to individual children from birth through age 20. We focus on needs in the areas of education, health and safety. We serve children and youth in Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito Counties in California.
We do not duplicate services in our community. For Kids provides services that are not covered by other public or private assistance.
Keeping paperwork to a minimum, For Kids is a quick responder for special and critical needs that change lives.
All of our Board Members work, or have worked, with kids on an everyday basis and understand the needs of local children.